The Go Cookbook

Maintained by SuperOrbital.

A community built and contributed collection of practical recipes for real world Golang development.

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Running a file via a shebang line

How can I add a shebang line to the top of my Go file in order to run it directly, as though it were an interpreted script?


In order to make it possible to execute scripts as though they were first class executables, UNIX systems will looks for what we refer to as a shebang line at the top of the file. The origin of the name is murky. Some think it came from sharp-bang or hash-bang – contractions of # (“sharp”) and ! (“bang”). Others think the “SH” is in reference to the first UNIX shell, named “sh”.

In any case, if a UNIX system sees that the first line of an executable begins with #!, then it will execute the file using whatever command is specified in the rest of the line. For example, if there’s a file named /path/to/bar that looks like:


Then, when run, the kernel will execute /bin/foo /path/to/bar.

This is great for interpreted languages like Ruby and Python which allow # as an innocuous comment. A clever gopher might attempt to create a file named /path/to/example that looks like such:

#!/usr/local/bin/go run
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

And expect to run it and see “hello” in their terminal. However, Go does not allow # as a comment, which causes this to fail with a syntax error:

$ ./fail.go
fail.go:1:1: illegal character U+0023 '#'

In order for this to work, the Go spec would have to be modified to accept # as a comment on the first line of the file. However, the Go authors are highly opinionated. When (repeatedly) asked for this feature, Rob Pike has said:

I have never said it cannot be done. I have always said it should not be done, and I have explained why.

“Useful” is not an argument for a feature. All features are useful; otherwise they would not be features. The issue is whether the feature justifies its cost. That is a judgement call, and my judgement is, no. Running compilers and linkers, doing megabytes of I/O, and creating temporary binary files is not a justifiable expense for running a small program. For large programs, the amortization is even more in favor of not doing this.

I am firmly against adding a feature to Go that encourages abuse of resources.

If you want the feature, use gorun or an equivalent wrapper program. That’s what it’s for. I think believe [sic] gorun is a mistake, but I’m not stopping you from installing it and using it as you see fit.


What’s this gorun that has Rob up in arms? The Ubuntu Linux distribution produced the gorun utility to solve the shebang issue. As listed in the homepage, gorun will:

  • write files under a safe directory in $TMPDIR (or /tmp), so that the actual script location isn’t touched (may be read-only)
  • avoid races between parallel executions of the same file
  • automatically clean up old compiled files that remain unused for some time (without races)
  • replace the process rather than using a child
  • pass arguments to the compiled application properly
  • handle well GOROOT, GOROOT_FINAL and the location of the toolchain

Importantly, gorun will also strip the shebang line from the executed file before running it via go run.

Because gorun is a separate tool, and not included in the Go distribution, it must first be installed via go get Once it’s installed, you can make use of it quite simply:


package main

func main() {
    println("Hello world!")

This file is now executable on the command line (after setting the execution bit via chmod +x, of course). However, it’s also technically invalid Go. This means you can’t compile the same code via go build that you would run with gorun.

As we said earlier, this solution also requires that your users install gorun, making it less portable than ideal.

As of March 1st, 2015, gorun does not compile on OS X, but it looks like this will be resolved, soon.

Mimic the shebang via Bash

In UNIX systems, the shebang line is handled by the family of exec functions inside the fundamental libc. The exec functions use what’s referred to as magic numbers in the first bits of a file to determine what kind of executable it is. The characters #! are simply hard coded as a magic number that corresponds to being run as a script.

But we can make clever use of the fact that // is both a comment in Go, and interpreted as a valid part of a file path in Bash, in order to trick Bash into running the file for us instead of exec. This isn’t technically a shebang line, but serves the same purpose quite nicely. The resulting file looks like such:

//usr/bin/go run $0 $@; exit $?
package main

func main() {
    println("Hello world!")

This file is both a valid Bash script and valid Go source code. When Bash runs this file, it executes /usr/bin/go run $0 $@, and then immediately exits. If the file were named “/path/to/foo.go”, and we ran it like ./foo.go bar baz, then Bash would execute /usr/bin/go run ./foo.go "bar" "baz".

At this point, the file is parsed by go run, which ignores the first line as a comment, and dutifully compiles and executes the rest of the file.

This trick doesn’t require a separately installed command, and is relatively portable. However, all is not roses:

  • The file must end in .go, since go run will happily ignore it otherwise.
  • This only works when executed via a shell. It won’t work if executed directly by other programs.


Sadly, unless Rob changes his mind and modifies the Go spec, there is no one-size-fits-all solution in sight. Both of the recipes above have their drawbacks, and choosing which one to use is entirely about your specific needs and tastes.